Why am I not getting fitter/faster?

The question coaches get asked, why am I not getting fitter or faster? There are a few reasons for this and I ask these questions: How may sessions for each discipline are you doing a week?Are you consistently training every week?Are you doing too much training? I am...

I’m Not Superwoman

Something I’ve started to realise is ‘I’m no longer Superwoman’. The fact is, I never really was , I was just pushing myself with my exercise, day after day with no breaks and so not giving my body time to recover, adapt, progress and bounce...


I recently posted a podcast on menopause for the athlete on my facebook page facebook.com/tribirdsport it was very interesting listening to what other women are going through & what steps they have taken to still be able to participate in sport even at higher...


Before the end of last year I decided to set myself a challenge of completing the Fred Whitton Sportive in the Lake District, I wasn’t intending on doing it at the time of the event but cycling the route in July time with my other half.  It has some brutal 30% hills...


A follow up from my last post regarding Rest & Recovery. I have a good example using myself:  I am also a Spinning/Indoor Cycling Instructor & I teach 6 classes Monday to Friday, add on top of this my training of 2 x Swims, 2 x Wall Climbing & Kettlebell...